  • bubba-bator-bro My Photos photo 11010452
  • bubba-bator-bro My Photos photo 11010447


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33, Водолій
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Особиста інформація bubba-bator-bro
Стать Чоловік
Зацікавлений у Жiнки, Чоловіки, Пари
Вік 33
Зріст 5'7" - 5'9" [170 см - 175 см]
Вага 200 - 225 фунтів [90 - 100 кг]
Колір волосся Брюнетка
Колір очей Карі
Раса Європейська
Мови Англійська
Лобкове волосся Стрижка
Член Середній
Про мене
I'm a bi bator gooner bro, I love jerking off on cam and chatting with others. Socks, shoes, feet, pits get me going. You will enjoy my stream if you feel the same way.
Що я роблю на веб-камеру:
Графік роботи bubba-bator-bro
Welcome To My Stream Bro 👋🏻

So, check it out. I'm all about those cam sessions, ya know? Love the vibe of chatting, connecting, doing my thing. But what really gets me going are socks, feet, pits, fur, gooners, bators, man. Like, they're my jam. When I see 'em, it's like a whole new level of excitement, you know what I mean? It's just my thing, bro. Chillin', vibin', and getting into those kinks. So, diving deeper into it, let's talk about the vibes these things give off. Like, socks, they're not just socks, they're like a tease, a hint of what's underneath, right? And shoes, man, they're like the gateway to the feet, which are just, like, a playground of sensation. And pits, bro, they're like this primal thing, you know, raw and unfiltered. It's like each of these things has its own story to tell, its own way of getting me in the zone. So, yeah, what about you, man? What's your take on all this? Let's vibe and share our thoughts, bro.

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